Coughdrop Capital is an early-stage venture firm based in Bend, Oregon.

Typically, we write $25-50K checks into pre-seed or seed stage startups. Regardless of sector, industry, or stage, we like to fund smart founders with ambitious plans.

We love warm intros, but don't require them.

Say hello:



Stu is Senior Vice President at Fullscreen (acquired by AT&T/WarnerMedia in 2018), where he runs the Creator Labs, Public Figures, and Creator Partnerships business units. He focuses on fulfilling Fullscreen’s promise of being the most strategic social content company in the world.

Stu has spent the majority of his career driving innovation in the entertainment and media space. With nearly 20 years of experience, Stu led the North American launch of CrowdSurge (later merged with Songkick) and helped scale Red Light Management, the largest music management company in the world. Since then, he has held executive positions leading the revenue organizations at Teespring and Omaze.


Austin is founder and CEO of Capiche, a community focused on honest conversations about SaaS.

Prior to starting Capiche, he was president at Austin joined Inside by way of an acquisition of ReadThisThing, a company he started in 2015.

Austin has also worked in growth/marketing roles in early-stage startups.

He graduated from University of Montana (BA, comms) and Northwestern University (MS, journalism), and lives in San Francisco.


“Stu and Austin were out of my way when I didn’t need them and there for me when I did. They’ve been one of my favorite angels to work with and I’d recommend them with my full weight to any founder who’s raising!” 

Jack Altman
Founder & CEO, Lattice

"Austin and Stu were among our first 100 users,  early investors in the company, and longtime evangelists for the product. Fortunate to have them on our cap table."

Rahul Vohra
Founder & CEO, Superhuman

"Stu and Austin stand out as investors because they do what they say they're going to do. If that sounds common, know that it's not. Simple, clear, integrity."

Kristen Anderson
Founder & CEO, Catch Benefits

"Stu and Austin are thoughtful, optimistic, good humans who genuinely want to be helpful. Simply put, you want them on your cap table!"

J Zac Stein
Founder & CEO, Span
Former President, Lattice

“Before we launched, Austin was our 3rd customer. He was so persistent about investing in Mercury that eventually I had to relent"

Immad Akhund
Founder & CEO, Mercury

"You guys have been AMAZING from day 1. You have made some of the best, most thoughtful intros. Because both of you are founders, you have this deep understanding of what founders need—relevant intros to domain experts, quick tactical advice that I can act on.

Isabella Sun
Founder & CEO, Short Story

"When seemingly all other investors couldn't give us the time of day, Stu and Austin ALWAYS were there to lend a hand. There was never an investor update they didn't respond to and offer their support when we needed it. I would want Stu and Austin on the cap table for every company I start."

Eric Koslow
Founder & CEO, VStream
Co-Founder, Lattice

“Coughdrop has been in our corner since Party Round was just a 6 page deck. I reached out cold on twitter and we jumped on a call 10 minutes later and since then they’ve helped us at every step of the way. Austin and Stu are pound for pound two of the most helpful people on our cap table.”

Jordi Hays
Founder & CEO, Capital

“Austin and Stu are founders-first, so their investment comes with founder empathy and personal experience. Two invaluable things as you go on your own journey.”

Hiten Shah
Founder & CEO, Nira

"Stu is among the very small percentage (<10%) of investors who are actually helpful when you set out to build a generational company. We're lucky to have some of the best investors in the world behind us, and I count Stu and team as some of the most helpful so far."

Ryan Delk
Founder & CEO, Primer

"Stu and I have known each other since our days working together at Teespring.  He wouldn't stop begging me to invest in Varda so I finally said yes."

Delian Asparouhov
Founder & COO, Varda Space Industries

Stu basically taught me how to sell. And he coached my first AE. This alone made them one of my favorite and most helpful investors. 

They also helped make our next round happen with intros that converted just based on their reputation.

Joseph Kitonga
Founder & CEO, Vitable

"Stu and Austin are among the few investors in Symbl who have also been paying customers and contributed to product feedback and evolution"

Surbhi Rathore
Founder & CEO,

"Not your average microfund. Stu and Austin don't just fight for a sliver of allocation into competitive deals. They build relationships with founders over many years, support them and dig in for the long haul."

Walter Chen
Founder & CEO, Sacra


+ more soon to be announced